Friday, August 8, 2008

Feather effect - Reflection in Photoshop

We have worked on light effect, which is quite interesting. Now I want to introduce to you two tutorials about feather effect and reflection.

Here are the references for the tutorials:

When you work on them, you can face some problems. I can share two tips with you:

_ In the feather tutorial, you may get stuck on editing one leaf.

+ When you have only one leaf left on the screen, right click on it, choose Make Selection, then press Ok.
+ Click on it again, press Delete. Use Paint Bucket Tool to fill the leave with white color, you can fill more than one time to make the white stronger. Remember to choose Select - Modify - Feather and press ok with 5 pixels.

_ In the reflection tutorial, it is better to use Magic Wand Tool to select all the bottle image. After that, you choose Select - Inverse and you will have only the bottle you want.

Here are my works:

Source of image:

Source of image:

Source of image:

Source of image:

Source of image:

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