Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Photoshop training 1

Landscape and chicken



_ Landscape: In the Adjustment function of Image, I choose Hue/Saturation and decrease the Saturation to -100. As a result, I have a grey background. After that, I use the History Brush Tool to bring back the color of the sky and mountain in the background, leaving most of the green field in gray color.

_ Chicken: I use Magic Wand Tool to select the whole area in the image of the chicken. Next, I choose only the chicken by Inverse in Select. In order to make the chicken shine a little bit, I change the Outer Glow effect for the Layer and set the Opacity down to 81% and Blend Mode to Screen.




_ Female character: I use Lasso Tool to select only her and the Eraser Tool to clear unwanted part of the selection. Finally, I paste this image onto the landscape. Furthermore, I add three effects on this image: Outer Glow, Inner Glow and Inner Shadow.

_ Landscape: Because I want to make the girl appearing bright in the whole image, I decrease the lightness of the background.

_ The Text Yoga: I apply the Arc Style to the text, as well as Inner Shadow (opacity = 75%), Inner Glow, Outer Glow (opacity=100%).




_ We have colorful towers here. I use the Clone Stamp Tool to make some of them look like each other in color. Can you recognize one? Actually, the orange tower on the top is not quite perfect to me. Therefore, if someone has better idea to deal with it, please let me know.

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